Five High Quality Long Lasting Flexible Classroom Seating Options to Make Your Classroom Fun and Productive for Small and Large Classrooms


       Teachers have the ability to make their classrooms go from drab to fab by making a few small changes in their room.  One of these small changes is providing flexible seating for your students.  Flexible seating can be used for students who are more on the hyper side, need to be away from others, like to be rewarded, or just want a little change of scenery.  I use flexible seating in my own classroom every time we take a test to separate my students from their regular tables.  On test days, I put all of their names on a wheel and spin it.  The first student chosen gets to pick where he sits for the test and so on until I am out of seating options aside from their desks/ tables.  Below, I have listed some flexible seating options that will allow you to have similar options in your classroom that won't take up too much room or break the bank.

1. Classic Stools

        Stools are great to use at a small group table or at special tables used for centers and specific activities.  I currently have five rainbow stools at my small group table and my students love using them.  They ask me to bring these stools around the room to sit on throughout the day, but it is a solid rule in my classroom that those stools STAY at my small group table.  The rainbow ones are great for a pop of color and excitement for the students,  but I have also linked a set of black ones which are more affordable and can go with more themes for an aesthetically pleasing vibe. 

Black Stools:

Store: Amazon
Price: $50.14

Rainbow Stools:

Store: Amazon
Price: $81.42
Link to Product:  Rainbow Stools on Amazon

2. Wobble Stools

        Wobble stools are definitely a good choice for a classroom with a lot of boys or any students with pent up energy!  These are the ticket item to get kids who are ADHD to stay in their seat while completely assignments because it offers so much moving while still sitting down and working.  I must say, when I have the opportunity to use a wobble stool, I do.  I think they are so much fun!  I would also use these as an incentive if students cannot handle them being used every day.  Maybe these can be purchased with class money or tickets!

Wobble Stools:

Store: Amazon
Price: $45.99
Link to Product:  Wiggle Stools on Amazon

3. Rocker Chair

        Rocker chairs are definitely made for younger or smaller students.  I would cut these off at third grade, maybe fourth if you have smaller kids.  These are useful to put on a classroom carpet or in a reading corner or cool down corner if you have one.  Similar to the wobble stools, these allow some movement while also sitting down and hopefully being quiet.  These would be a hit during independent reading or maybe a laptop center.  These probably will get you the biggest bang for your buck because while they are listed for $100, you get a set of six and come in a plethora of color schemes including pastels and earth tones.  So, if you're a type A teacher with your classroom theme, I would definitely give these a look!

Rocker Chair

Store: Amazon
Price: $99 for a set of 6
Link to Product:  Rocker Chairs on Amazon

4.  Yoga Balls

        These are a HIT in my classroom!  The yoga balls are the number one requested flexible seating option by my students.  They just love to bounce on them.  These are definitely a high quality incentive in my room and a consequence when they need to be taken away.  These definitely fall under the high quality category.  I've had mine for two years now and before that they were in the bedroom of a child for about 3 years!  The thick material alleviates the anxiety of pencil punctures or popping.  I have the regular yoga ball with legs in my room, but the flat ones seem like a blast as well!

Yoga Ball

Store: Amazon
Price: $19.98
Link to Product:  Yoga Balls on Amazon

Yoga Ball Donut Chair

Store: Amazon
Price: $59.99 for 6
Link to Product:  Yoga Ball Chair on Amazon

5.  Lap Desks

        To finish off this post is lap desks for the floor.  These made the list of high quality because of their sturdiness.  I have had students try to lay their back on them like a rocking chair (and I'm talking big kids, here people) and they withstood all tests put against them.  Plus, students love being able to sit criss cross applesauce on the floor and having a hard surface to do their work on.  It gives students to option to sit on their carpet yet still be productive in their work.  One lap desk is about $30, so this is a collection to build up over time.  I am up to 6 now.  Once you have them, though, they'll be in your classroom for years!

Lap Desk

Store: Amazon
Price: $27.64
Link to Product:  Lap Desks on Amazon

        So whatever you decide to purchase, remember that all of these products are some of higher quality, which means they can get pricey.  However, these are products that you will be able to have in your classroom for multiple years.  My recommendation is to put them on an Amazon Wishlist so that parents or loved ones can make donations for your classroom!  If any of these inspired you or you purchased them from here, leave a comment to let other educators know how you experienced them in your own classroom! 

Happy shopping and happy teaching :)



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